About Me
Hello yarnies! My name is Nancy—welcome to my shop. My fiber journey started when when I was a little girl. I remember on Sunday evenings the family would gather to watch slide shows (yes, I know that dates me). As we sat together in the dark, I could hear my grandmother’s knitting needles clicking. From that moment on my desire to knit grew.
My knitting journey started and stopped many times throughout my young adult life. I didn’t realize how important knitting would become to me until my daughter unexpectedly passed away. She left behind three young daughters for me to raise, and knitting quickly became my go-to stress reliever.
Fast forward many years, and once again I found myself under tremendous stress when my husband was diagnosed with a rare form of bone marrow cancer, which required a bone marrow transplant. He was a trouper to the end, but his body grew tired and he passed away.
I taught my husband to knit when he became ill and was no longer able to work, and he loved it! We started to play with yarn dyeing too, but it got back-burnered as he got sicker. Trilogy Yarns is in memory of him; I know that with each skein I dye, he is there with me.
I hope that you enjoy my yarns as much as I do, and that you’ll come back often to see what’s new!